Cinema: Radical

Cinema Rex, Via Cruscheda 5:

The sixth-graders at Jose Urbina Lopez elementary school in Matamoros are amazed when the first lesson of their new teacher Sergio Juarez begins. teacher Sergio Juarez begins.

They are considered the lowest-achieving students in Mexico and their world is characterized by violence and corruption.

by Christopher Zalla Spanish spoken, German, French subtitles UT

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More information
Cinema Rex Oscar Schönenberger
Via Cruscheda 5 Altes Schulgebäude (oberhalb Sennerei)
CH-7504 Pontresina
+41 81 842 88 42

Cinema Rex
Via Cruscheda 5 Altes Schulgebäude (oberhalb Sennerei)
CH-7504 Pontresina
+41 81 842 88 42