Stubete at Lake Sils i. Engadin: meeting place for new Swiss folk music

Fri, 18.10.2024 - Sun, 20.10.2024 | Various locations

Musical enjoyment meets Engadin hospitality. 3-day festival for new Swiss folk music in Sils.

The autumn-golden larch forests, the deep blue shimmering lake, the white mountain peaks - this is the backdrop against which the Stubete am See in Sils takes place. Top-class musical entertainment awaits you again in the unique backdrop of Sils. The following ensembles will spoil you with musical delicacies this autumn: Alphorn Experience Appenzeller Echo Appenzeller Welttournee Bluescht Chapella Clavadatsch Domenic and Curdin Janett Friya Helvetikuss Mattia Mirenda Noldi Alder and Töbi Tobler This year the program also includes walks and a concert on Furtschellas. The entire Stubete am See: The 27 concerts of the Stubete am See take place at seven different venues and can be attended with a festival pass including hotel accommodation or with individual tickets. The highlight is the conclusion with the Appenzeller Welttournee on Sunday in the Champsegl schoolhouse.

Sils Tourismus
Via da Marias 93
CH-7514 Sils
+41 81 838 50 90